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About Us

School Hours

K-6th Grades   8:20 a.m.-2:27 p.m. (Wed. – 9:20 a.m.-2:27 p.m.)

Attendance Reminders

Absence Call-in 503-762-6111 – For every absence!

Attendance is important for students to be successful at school. When it is necessary for a student to be absent from school, parents are required to call the school attendance line, 503-762-6111. Please leave your child’s name, the teacher, date and the reason for the student’s absence from school. We will be calling all students’ homes and parents’ workplace with unreported absences. Remember to keep your contact telephone numbers current.

It is the student and parent’s responsibility to make arrangements to complete schoolwork that was missed.

Please remember, also, that is very important to arrive at school on time each day. The tardy bell rings daily at 8:20 a.m. except for late start Wednesday at 9:20 a.m. Students should be in their seats at this time.

The school day ends at 2:27 p.m.

Early Release Times will always be at 11:17 a.m.

Visiting Our School

Our first priority is the safety of your child. We will continue to do our part, but we need some additional help from you. When you arrive at your child’s school to visit a classroom or another area within the school, please sign in at the front office and get a name tag. Our children, community and staff will then know you are a person who has permission to be in our schools.

Emergency Closure or Inclement Weather

In situations where weather will cause closure or a change of starting/ending times, Centennial district will use local radio and television systems to notify parents and students. Internet information may be accessed at or Be sure that we have updated emergency information to reach you during the school day, also.

Lost and Found

Butler Creek has a lost and found rack in the Family Center that collects coats, shirts, backpacks and lunch boxes lost during the school year. Smaller items are kept in the office. Please check for missing items regularly. All items that are not claimed will be donated twice a year (end of December and end of school year).

Dress for the Weather

Unless the weather is severe and hazardous to the safety of the children, we go outside for recesses. Please remind your child(ren) to make wise choices and bring coats, hats and gloves when needed.

Safety Patrol

We have three Safety Patrol areas during crossing hours to help our students cross busy intersections safely. Near the school at Butler Road and Binford Way; Binford Way and 27th and at Willow Parkway and 31st. Please cooperate with the patrols and support their efforts in helping children and adults cross.

Student Safety Patrol monitors the crosswalk in front of the school during drop-off and pick-up times before and after school. Word of caution: It is a law that vehicles can not park less than 20 feet before and after the crosswalk in front of the school. Doing so makes it difficult to see children crossing.

Legal Custody/Restraining Orders

By law, if parents are legally separated or divorced, each parent has equal rights to custody of the child/children UNLESS a parent has a court order that indicates which parent has custody of the child/children. The school must have a copy of the court order or a restraining order on file, otherwise either parent may check the child out of school with proper identification.