How to enroll your child with Centennial School District:
Click here to register your student
2025-2026 School year is open! Please click on the link above.
If you have questions or need help please call the school at (503)762-6100
Welcome to the Centennial School District!
Below you will find important information needed to register your student(s) for school. You will need the following documents to register your student(s) for school:
Proof of Age: Proof of age for the student includes a birth certificate, baptismal certificate or passport. Your child is eligible for kindergarten if he/she is five year’s old on or before September 1st of the enrolling school year.
Proof of In-District Address (Residency): Original documents are required for registration. These documents must be dated within the last 30 days and reflect the home address of the parent/guardian and student.Utility Bills: (phone, electric, natural gas, water)
Real Estate Documents: (mortgage, rental, lease agreement) Note: A driver’s license is not an acceptable proof of in-district address
Immunization Record: Evidence of immunization needs to include proof of diphtheria, tetanus, polio, hepatitis B, chicken pox, Hib, mumps, rubella, and measles. These are required unless parents wish to seek an exemption because of medical or religious reasons.
Transitional Housing/Homeless: If you are experiencing homelessness, the Federal McKinney Vento Act protects the rights of your child to attend school. For information regarding your child’s rights you can talk with the front office staff at your child’s school or contact Centennial’s Homeless Liaison, Daisy Orozco at 503-762-3632.